UPDATE March 15, 2022Phase 1 of this project has come to a close.
Stay tuned for updates regarding Phase 2.
UPDATE October 2, 2020
"Ponderosa defense zone nearing completion" - The Union, October 2, 2020
Property owners within the proposed area will receive additional materials via mail before December 15.UPDATE August 10, 2020Work on the project continues through the COVID-19 pandemic. As of 8.10.2020; 735 acres have been treated, while 48 acres are currently being treated.
January 7, 2020 Ponderosa West Grass Valley Defense Zone Project Is Ahead of Schedule, Setting Ambitious Pace for 2020Fire Safe Council, CAL FIRE NEU, and County of Nevada report 398 acres have been treated within the Ponderosa West Grass Valley Defense Zone Project, the highest priority hazardous fuel reduction project in the Nevada County Community Wildfire Prevention Plan, putting it well ahead of their 300 acre year-end goal. Read more at
November 6, 2019 County of Nevada Board of Supervisors and Media Visit ProjectAs of November 5 the Ponderosa fuel break is 67% complete with 269 acres of land abated for wildfire.
The Union.
KCRA coverage. September 4, 2019 Open House Hosted for Ponderosa West Grass Valley Defense ZoneNevada County Board of Supervisors Heidi Hall, Sue Hoek, Dan Miller and Office of Emergency Services joined CAL FIRE NEU and the Fire Safe Council of Nevada County at a community open house designed to share information about the Ponderosa West Grass Valley Defense Zone Project. Community members gathered at the Nevada County Fairgrounds to learn more about the fuelbreak strategy and specific treatments being implemented with the help of the California Native Plant Society
. For more information and photos visit our partners at County of Nevada Office of Emergency Services Site.August 23, 2019 Work Begins on Ponderosa West Grass Valley Defense Zone Shaded Fuel BreakGrass Valley- CAL FIRE Nevada-Yuba-Placer Unit in cooperation with Nevada County and the Fire Safe Council of Nevada County began work on County of Nevada property as part of the Ponderosa West Grass Valley Defense Zone Project.
(Learn more here.)
On July 9, 2019 County of Nevada Supervisors Approved 3 Resolutions Moving Ponderosa West Grass Valley Defense Zone Project ForwardResolutions proclaiming a Local Emergency, accepting a grant from CAL FIRE's Fire Prevention Program in the amount of $2,536,477, and securing a contract with CAL FIRE for $1,000,000, mark important steps in launching this project; a high priority hazardous fuel reduction project in the Nevada County Community Wildfire Protection Plan.
(Learn more here.)Watch the presentation Nevada County Media Government YouTube ChannelQuestions or concerns should be directed to
Fire Safe Council of Nevada County
Info@PonderosaWestProject.org or 530-272-1122.